For older announcements, please see the prior semester sub-menus under Announcements.
Th 16 May, 4:52 pm ~ Election Results
Autumn Alden, Chair of Nominations & Elections Committee
Nominations closed May 15 at 11:59 pm. As there was only one candidate for each office, in accordance with past practice, a member of the Executive Committee cast one ballot.
The new officers are elected to begin serving on June 1, 2019 until the end of the current term, through May 31, 2020: President: Paulette Howarth, Vice President: Emily Brown, Secretary: Carol Martin.
Laura Banville-Field is the elected Treasurer. As Paulette assumes Presidency, Catherine Adamowicz continues her role as MCCC Director.
Th 16 May, 10:21 am ~ Day Negotiatons Update
BrCCC President (official email)
Please see the attached update. The update suggests that our collective, statewide contract actions are having a desirable effect; but nothing is definite yet. For that reason, we must continue to be proactive. Stay tuned for information on future contract actions, including on graduation day.
F 10 May, 2:28 pm ~ ORP to MSWERS Members
BrCCC President (official email)
Are you among the many who chose to move from ORP to MSERS? Are you among the far too many who have experienced problems, from simple annoyance to situations that seriously threaten your retirement security?
Please let me know. Please tell your friends who have already retired that they can be heard, too. We need to know we are not alone. There is power in numbers. Thanks and in solidarity, June Sprigg Tooley, Vice President, Berkshire Community College chapter of MCCC, email, cell: 413-329-4039
Tu 7 May, 4:38 pm ~ Two Reminders
BrCCC President (official email)
At today’s emergency chapter meeting, a motion was made and passed for our chapter to go on Work-to-Rule immediately. We are now one of 10 sister colleges (and counting) who have done so. For information about how to observe Work-to-Rule, please see the attachment. After I finish this e-mail, I will be e-mailing President Douglas to let her know of our chapter’s decision; and I will send her the same attachment so that she can know what to expect.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Also, please check your work e-mail and our chapter web site regularly and often for further contract actions and negotiation updates.
Tu 7 May, 4:38 pm ~ Two Reminders
BrCCC President (official email)
1st reminder: emergency chapter meeting tomorrow, May 8th, from 2:30-3:30 to discuss contract actions and plan their implementations. The meeting will take place in our Faculty and Professional Staff Lounge.
2nd reminder: to attend and ask questions at interviews of candidates for the academic vice president position. Suzanne Buglione’s is tomorrow (1-2:30, J-Building), just walk on in and you’ll see where to sit.
Tu 7 May, 2:37 pm ~ Unemployment Workshop
BrCCC President (official email)
If you are seeking unemployment, please see the attachment.
A nuts and bolts workshop will provide training on when adjunct employees are eligible for unemployment insurance benefits, how to apply for these benefits, and how to appeal the denial of a claim on Monday, May 13, 2019 at 12:30 in MTA Raynham Office, 888 Orchard Street, 3rd Floor, Raynham, MA 02767.
M 6 May, 9:35 am ~ Contract Administration Tip
Dennis Fitzgerald, Day Grievance Coordinator
Please see the attachment regarding College Service and Advising.
Tu 30 Apr, 1:25 pm ~ Emergency Chapter Meeting
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
At our chapter’s executive committee meeting yesterday, the committee unanimously agreed to hold an emergency chapter meeting next Wednesday, May 8th, from 2:30-3:30 to discuss contract actions and plan their implementations. The meeting will take place in our Faculty and Professional Staff Lounge. I look forward to seeing a packed room.
Meanwhile, if you haven’t done it yet, please put a copy of the attachment on your office door or cubicle. Visibility can matter. Dr. Douglas has declined my initial request to meet with her to discuss contract issues, which threaten academic freedom and our salaries–some of our sister community college chapter leaders and their college presidents have had such a meeting–but if she sees a united front, maybe she will reconsider.
M 29 Apr, 9:42 pm ~ Fair Contract NOW
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
I have requested an appointment with President Douglas, and our chapter’s executive committee is meeting today to discuss doing what our sister community colleges across the state are already doing or are planning to do and what we can do, too: various contract actions to get a fair contract. Check your e-mail regularly.
The below three motions were passed–all unanimously–the first two at Friday’s MCCC Board of Directors meeting and the third at the MCCC Delegate Assembly on Saturday. The latter two motions concern an issue that, if allowed for the Day Contract, will be an issue for the next DCE Contract, which is a major reason why I am sending this e-mail to all part-time colleagues, as well:
MOTION: The BOD recommends that chapters go on work to rule in support of a fair contract effective immediately. PASSED
MOTION: The BOD shall not recommend a Tentative Agreement that mandates any use of primary LMS and advising software. PASSED
MOTION: The Delegate Assembly of MCCC does not recommend the ratification of any Tentative Agreement that includes provisions that establish mandatory use of a LMS or primary advising software, and asks the MCCC Secretary to publish this vote as soon after the end of the Delegate Assembly as possible. PASSED
Check the Negotiations link at our chapter web site to find out why mandatory use of an LMS and primary advising software cannot be allowed. Also, while waiting to hear back from me about future actions, please print out the attached sign and put it on your office door or on your cubicle.
W 24 Apr, 12:36 pm ~ Adjunct Invitation to Paid CTL Programming
Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
Please visit the Lash CTL blog to view the new dates for Diversity & Inclusion workshops on the Fall River and Taunton campus sites. These are just a few of the paid professional development opportunities available to you this semester. Spring 2019 upcoming dates are: May 1 from 4-6 in Fall River (J211) with Livia Neubert & Chad Argotsinger and May 7 from 5-7 in Fall River (J211) with Suzanne Buglione & Rob Delaleu.
Click here to register for a Strengthening Bristol Through Inclusion workshop:
Click here to find other paid offerings:
The blog, and opportunities like these, are updated regularly so please visit often!
Tu 23 Apr, 1:07 pm ~ BrCCC Nominations
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
Please see the message below from Nominations & Elections Committee chair, Autumn Alden.
The chapter has the following vacancies: President – vacant as of March 25* with the resignation of Susan McCourt, Vice President – vacant as of March 25 with the resignation of Sandy Lygren, and Secretary – vacant as of May 31 with the resignation of Martha Ucci. *Note: MCCC Director Catherine Adamowicz has agreed to serve as Interim President.
Therefore, the Chapter is seeking nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary to finish the terms (June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020). Per the motion made at the April 22 chapter meeting, we allowing for the possibility of co-officers – two or more members to share the dutities of one office.
F 19 Apr, 4:32 pm ~ Unemployment Workshop
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
The MTA is going to hold a regional unemployment workshop at its Raynham Office on Monday, May 13th, from 12:30-2:00. For further information about that, please contact Catherine Santiago at
Relatedly, Catherine Santiago, one of our MTA consultants, developed a guide to unemployment benefits at this link:
Th 18 Apr, 12:00 pm ~ Call to Action
Joe LeBlanc, MTA Consultant
This call to action is being sent to chapter presidents, MCCC Directors and MCCC officers. Some leaders on this list also serve on our Day Bargaining Team. Please share this message with your local Contract Action Team.
Our Day Bargaining Team met yesterday at Massasoit’s Canton campus. The purpose of this email is not to report many details about bargaining. Our Day Bargaining Team will send out an update soon.
W 17 Apr, 7:26 pm ~ Nominations for Chapter Positions
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
We opened nominations for three vacant office positions–President, Vice President, and Secretary–on April 1, and they closed April 14. Per my April 1 e-mail to all of you, nominees were to be announced April 15. I am sorry for the delay.
No nominations were made for any position.
I will be sending out a complete agenda for Monday’s chapter meeting, but one item that will surely be on it is a discussion of how to move forward as a chapter.
Tu 16 Apr, 1:05 pm ~ Three Requests
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
I realize that this first of my three requests is very last-minute, but if you are reading this e-mail before 4:00 today (Tuesday) and have any items you would like see put on the DAY MACER or the DCE MACER agenda for the meetings next Monday, please let me know by 4:00 today.
If you have any items that you would like to see on the agenda for our chapter meeting next Monday, please let me know that by 4:00 this Thursday.
And, if you have not yet done so, please make our website one of your “Favorites”– –because it includes lots of useful and important information. For example, we should all be familiar with Weingarten Rights, one of the subheadings under the “Info for Members” heading.
F 12 Apr, 2:40 pm ~ Process for Addressing Student Complaints
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
I am writing to make a clarification about the e-mail from Interim Vice President Buglione. At our MACER meeting this past Monday, April 8th, Paulette Howarth and I agreed that, in general, when a problem arises, it makes sense for a student to talk with her/his professor first, for a unit member to talk with her/his dean or immediate supervisor first, and unit members to talk with each other first. In other words, we agree with the spirit of the below e-mail–suggestions for initial problem-solving before the filing of a complaint or a formal grievance–but not the way the below e-mail is written. To be clear, the below e-mail is not a Memorandum of Agreement, nor is it a proposal for a Memorandum of Agreement. It does not change our contracts in any way. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Hello all, Below is the process co-developed by the MCCC Union and administration to address student complaints – thank you to those involved in the process.
Practice for Handling Complaints:
When a complaint is made, the MCCC and Administration have agreed that the complainant will be directed to take the complaint back to the source first, unless there is Title IX or other serious or emergent issues that must be immediately addressed.
These complaints include, but are not limited to:
a. Student complains about faculty member to a Dean, Dean asks the student to speak with faculty member first.
b. Faculty member complains to Chapter officer about a Dean (or anyone), Chapter Officer sends faculty member to speak with the Dean first.
c. Union member complains about another Union member to Dean or VP, they are asked to take their concern to the original person first.
Agreed-upon by MACER, February 2019
M 10 Apr, 10:57 am ~ Special Chapter Meeting this Wednesday
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
This e-mail is just a reminder of the special meeting being held this Wednesday, as noted in the 4/1/19 e-mail from our Nominations and Elections Committee: “There is a special meeting planned for April 10 at 2-3 pm in E-203 in Fall River to help members understand the purpose of the union and the roles of the union leadership. You are encouraged to attend this meeting especially if you are at all interested in serving your union.”
M 1 Apr, 4:23 pm ~ Adjunct Invitation to Paid CTL Programming
Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
Hello Adjunct Faculty! Please visit the Lash CTL blog to view the new dates for Diversity & Inclusion workshops on the Fall River and Taunton campus sites. Spring 2019 upcoming dates are: April 22 from 5-7 in Taunton (TG-137) with Robert Rezendes & Chad Argotsinger, May 1 from 4-6 in Fall River (J-211) with Livia Neubert & Chad Argotsinger, May 7 from 5-7 in Fall River (J-211) with Suzanne Buglione & Rob Delaleu. Click here to register for a Strengthening Bristol Through Inclusion workshop:
These are just a few of the paid professional development opportunities available to you this semester. Click here to find other paid offerings:
The blog, and opportunities like these, are updated regularly so please visit often!
M 1 Apr, 12:56 pm ~ Bristol Academic Series
Shaylene DePine, Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
You are cordially invited to our last session of the Bristol Academic Series in the academic year. The session will be held on Wednesday April 3rd, from 2-3 pm in room H-209 (Fall River) presenting Diane Forand, M.Ed. (Instructional Media Specialist CITE Lab) with the talk entitled “Faculty eLearning Resources 101”. Please see flier here for a more detailed description of the presentation.
M 1 Apr, 11:00 am ~ Notice of BrCCC Chapter Vacancies and Special Election
Catherine Adamowicz, Acting President of BrCCC
Please see the message below from Nominations & Elections Committee chair, Autumn Alden.
The chapter has the following vacancies: President – vacant as of March 25* with the resignation of Susan McCourt, Vice President – vacant as of March 25 with the resignation of Sandy Lygren, and Secretary – vacant as of May 31 with the resignation of Martha Ucci. *Note: MCCC Director Catherine Adamowicz has agreed to serve as Interim President.
Therefore, the Chapter is seeking nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary to finish the terms (June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020).
Tu 26 Mar, 8:21 am ~ News from MCCC Meeting
Susan McCourt, President of BrCCC
You may have heard that I have resigned as Chapter President. You can read more in the attached letter I read at the meeting.
I have also left the MCCC and the MTA Unions. In response to questions, these are the rights of membership versus non-membership:
The Chapter leadership met yesterday afternoon and will be providing a smooth transition until new elections can be held quickly. I have every confidence in their doing this. You will be notified ASAP. I will certainly work with them, as requested, to support that.
M 25 Mar, 6:49 am ~ Open Letter to BrCCC Members from Sandy Lygren
Susan McCourt, President of BrCCC
In Spring 2018, my morale about our union was the lowest it had ever been in my 20 years here. I think, like many of you, then or now, I really questioned participating anymore. A small thimbleful of uncivil folks had ruined local meetings for me personally by then.
Tu 19 Mar, 3:49 pm ~ MCCC Elections
Susan McCourt, President of BrCCC
Balloting for the MCCC Elections will close at 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 21, 2019. Members should have received mail vis USPS with the Voter ID and Password needed to vote. If you have not already done so, go here to cast your ballot:
Tu 19 Mar, 2:02 pm ~ Academic Series Tomorrow
Shaylene DePina, Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
You are cordially invited to the Bristol Academic Series on Wednesday March 20th, from 2-3 pm in room H-209 (Fall River) presenting C. Chad Argotsinger, Ph. D. (Chief of Staff, Academic Affairs) with the talk entitled “Disappearing Students”. Please see flier for a more detailed description of the presentation.
We hope to see you all there! Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
Tu 19 Mar, 10:09 am ~ Register Today for Spring Professional Day
Shaylene DePina, Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
Spring Professional Day is next week, March 28, 2019. Registration for Spring Professional Day is scheduled to close VERY SOON! Please register now at the link below.
You will be asked to select your AM, PM, and Lunch options for the day so registration is crucial.
Any information/details you might need can be found on the Lash CTL blog.
Register Here:
Th 14 Mar, 8:43 pm ~ Joint Hearing of MA Ways and Means Committee
Colleen Avedikian, PHENOM Representative for BrCCC
There will be a hearing of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Ways and Means scheduled for Monday, March 18th at 11am at Bristol Community College. The meeting will be held in the G Building cafeteria, on the Fall River campus. This is an open, public meeting, and all are welcome to attend.
Representatives from the Department of Early Education and Care, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Higher Education will be giving testimony related to education budget items, including the funding formula for public schools in the state.
It is expected that the representatives of the Massachusetts Teachers Association will be testifying in favor of the CHERISH Act, which would raise $500 million for public higher education in the state. You can read more about this legislation here:
This is a great opportunity for Bristol students, faculty and professional staff to hear different visions for public education in Massachusetts, and to learn about proposed legislation to increase funding for our state universities and community colleges.
Th 7 Feb, 4:11 pm ~ Adjunct Invitation to Paid CTL Programming
Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
Hello Adjunct Faculty! Please make note of the paid professional development opportunities presently available to you via the College: Effective Teaching Program, Safe Zone Workshops, Adjunct Faculty Mentoring, Mental Health First-Aid Training, Diversity & Inclusion Workshops, and more.
Details can be found on the Lash CTL blog at
The blog, and opportunities like these, are updated regularly so please visit often!
Su 3 Feb, 1:20 pm ~ MCCC Nominations Close on Feb 7
Margaret Wong, President of MCCC
Nominations to be a Delegate to the MTA Annual Meeting in Boston and/or the NEA Representative Assembly in Houston as well as for Statewide DCE Part Time/Adjunct Representative will close on Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 4:00 pm.
Go here for Nominations/Elections information and to submit your nomination(s):
Nominations RECEIVED after Thursday, Feb 7 at 4 pm cannot be accepted.
NOTE: Only union members in good standing may be delegates, hold office, and vote.
Th 31 Jan, 6:15 pm ~ DCE Contract Advisory – Sick Time and Make Up Work
Susan McCourt, President of BrCCC
Your union is advising you NOT to use accrued sick time for any DCE sections. See here for more information.
Questions about this should be sent to DCE Grievance Coordinator Joe Rizzo at
Questions for the Bristol Chapter officers can be sent to
Tu 22 Jan, 7:03 am ~ BrCCC Chapter Meeting
Susan McCourt, President of BrCCC
All submitted chapter reports have been posted on the website. The agenda for today’s meeting is attached.
Tu 22 Jan, 6:47 am ~ Welcome
Susan McCourt, President of BrCCC
See information here from the MCCC DCE Grievance Coordinator about sic accrual.
The Bristol Chapter of MCCC welcomes your input and participation. We need to hear from you! The best way to reach us is to use the email
Please also review the website for the Chapter at
M 21 Jan, 2:54 pm ~ PHENOM is hiring Bristol students
Colleen Avedikian, PHENOM Representative for BrCCC
I am hoping you will share this with your students, particularly those who have an interest in activism and political advocacy The Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts (PHENOM) is hiring student organizers at Bristol Community College for the Spring 2019 semester. We have received a grant from the Mass. Teachers Association which allows us to hire 2 – 3 students from Bristol.
Duties include: Providing support for current PHENOM initiatives and outreach work including holding recurring PHENOM chapter meetings, plan campus events, and coordinate “Fund Our Future” actions on the campus. The Student Organizer will create weekly media content for PHENOM’s statewide Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Additional responsibilities would include attending PHENOM’s Advocacy Day (March 21), creating campus-specific media and advertisements, and communicating with PHENOM Organizing Director and campus Faculty/Staff Organizer. All work will occur in Massachusetts. Time commitment: 10 hours per week at $15 per hour.
For more information, contact Colleen Avedikian at
Su 20 Jan, 2:20 pm ~ MCCC Elections
Margaret Wong, President of MCCC
Nominations for statewide DCE Representative and delegate to the MTA Annual Meeting and/or the NEA Representative Assembly are open.
Here is the link to information on how to nominate yourself:
Nominations must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, 2019.
Note that the MCCC post-Janus budget does not include any funding for MCCC delegates to attend the NEA RA nor does it fund the hotel room for delegates who attend the MTA Annual Meeting. The stipend amount for delegates attending the MTA Annual Meeting is $25 per day.
F 18 Jan, 12:35 pm ~ Welcome Back and Reminder
Susan McCourt, President of BrCCC
This is a gentle reminder that our first 2019 BrCCC Union meeting will be held on Opening Day, Tuesday, January 22 from 2 – 3 pm in the Margaret Rykenbush Faculty Dining Room (G-Bldg).
M 14 Jan, 7:09 pm ~ New DCE Contracts
Margaret Wong, President of MCCC
Here is the link to the two new DCE Contracts:
Discussion of the printing and distribution of printed copies take place at the Board of Directors meeting on January 19.
M 7 Jan, 10:56 am ~ Adjunct Professional Day
Karl Schnapp, Center for Teaching and Learning
Please joing us for our Spring 2019 Adjunct Professional Day Saturday January 12, 2019 (this Saturday!). The agenda, programming, REGISTRATION, and details can be found at Registration link will close on Tuesday, January 8.
F 4 Jan, 4:19 9m ~ GIC Public Listening Sessions
Human Resoures
The Group Insurance Commission (GIC) is once again holding a series of public listening sessions to get feedback as they make decisions regarding health plans for the benefit year starting July 1, 2019. Please see below.
Attached is a meeting flyer reflecting updates to the street addresses of the Worcester and Springfield meetings as well as parking information. We have also included a campus map of Worcester State University highlighting the location of the Student Center (Blue Lounge).
Our listening sessions will feature a summary of the recommended benefit design proposals for the FY20 benefit year, which are scheduled to be presented at the January 17 GIC meeting.
These listening sessions are open to the public, and our intention is to have a broad discussion about the benefit offerings for our 425,000+ members. This will not be an appropriate forum for specific questions relative to individual cases or claims. Our Public Information Unit (PIU) is the best starting point for any member with questions regarding their individual situation. Our PIU can be reached by calling (617) 727-2310.
Finally, feedback may also be provided by emailing We look forward to your participation. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2019!
Tu 18 Dec, 3:44 pm ~ Spring Opening Day
Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
You are cordially invited to take part in our Spring 2019 Opening Day event. The event will take place on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019 on the Fall River Campus and is a wonderful way to commence the new semester and prepare for the latter half of the academic year.
Please register now, while you’re online, so we can be sure to have an accurate lunch count. We look forward to seeing you there!
Register here: Registration will close at 11:59 pm on January 17, 2019.
See the agenda here:
M 17 Dec, 8:00 am ~ Adjunct Professional Day
Lash Center for Teaching and Learning
I would like to invite you to take part in our Spring 2019 Adjunct Professional Day event. This half-day (morning) event will take place on Saturday, January 12th, 2019 on the Fall River Campus and is a wonderful way to get back in the game for the new semester.
Please register now, while you’re online, so we can be sure to prepare enough refreshments for everyone. We look forward to seeing you there!
Register here:
See the agenda here:
Th 13 Dec, 12:22 pm ~ Adjunct Professional Day
Catherine Adamowicz, Interim President of BrCCC
As you may have seen in the recent edition of Bristol Events, Adjunct Professional Day is Saturday January 12, 2019 at 8 am – 12:30 pm.
The Lash Center for Teaching and Learning invites all adjunct faculty to attend Adjunct Professional Day on Saturday, January 12, 2019 in the Commonwealth College Center (G building) on the Fall River campus. This half-day event is intended to offer new and experienced Bristol adjunct faculty time to learn new skills and network. The event is free and open to all adjunct faculty of Bristol Community College, but registration is needed! Please find the day’s agenda and the registration link on the CTL blog. Registration will close on January 8, 2019. The snow date is January 26, 2019.