Distance Education Committee – This is a committee from BrCCC bylaws, required by the Distance Education Agreement – 3 representatives of management and 3 members of the MCCC Units (Day and DCE) “shall meet as necessary to discuss in advance distance education initiatives/opportunities offered by the College and shall serve as a vehicle to share information about campus distance education opportunities, system-wide distance education initiatives, and to provide the MCCC with an opportunity for effective input into those local opportunities and initiatives, including the process for selection of unit members for training opportunities.” Term of office is 2 years beginning September 30.
- William Duffy (Chair) – wssduffy@gmail.com
- Dan Avedikian – dan.avedikian@gmail.com
- Steve Frechette
- Stefanie Gouveia
- Tahais Martins
- Martha Ucci – uccifamily96@mail.com
The Distance Education (DE) Agreement is part of the DCE Contract which is posted on our website under Info for Members –> Contracts –> DCE Contract, starting at page 35.
- eLearning Course Development Process
- eLearning Handbook
- MOA regarding Course Caps
- MOA regarding Term Availability
- Memo regarding Distance Education Committees