84 members in attendance
BrCCC Chapter Meeting Notes
Members in attendance: 84
- If you are retiring, you must notify HR ASAP.
- Upcoming elections, chapter and statewide
- Please start thinking about nominating or if you would like to run for office
- Statewide elections Feb 3 deadline for statewide nominations (self or others) and for delegates to annual meeting
- Colleen will be stepping down to run for MCCC secretary
- Contract tips (Autumn Alden)
- Syllabi are due by end of the first week. Make sure to use the right form. Anything online is DE-1; face to face Day is XIII-E2, DCE is DCE-E1. If your syllabi are returned you have 14 days to fix it.
- Day only: College Service (XIII-E5) forms are due Feb 15th. Put only what you’re contractually obligated to do — department meetings, division meetings, all academic area, council, reassigned time, etc. Then keep track of everything you do for the second part of the form due at the end of the semester. This form justifies your workload allotted college service time; for most members, default is 4 hours.
- Day only: office hours need to be reduced by 1 for every 3 credits of reassigned time you have. If your A section was canceled and you have a project or you have some other job (e.g. chair, coordinator, etc.) you have reduced office hours. 12 credits = 0 office hours.
- Day only: Workload calculations should be coming out from your dean soon. Look at them and make sure they seem right. There have been mistakes. If you have any questions, let us know.
- DCE only: check your seniority. Two fiscal years or no teaching and you drop off the seniority list. 2021 (classes starting Summer 2 2020 – Summer 1/Full Summer 2021) doesn’t count per COVID MOAs.
- We have 30 days to grieve anything. Stay on top of things as much as possible. Old problems are harder to resolve.
- MACER update
- We meet every month all year around
- Professional staff survey: concerns over telework
- Administration admits is it is messy; want to have staff on campus because of belief that is what students want, but they will be reevaluating over this semester
- Follow Up – CORI/SORI Language for Coordinators
- Proposing a meeting between Suzanne and coordinators so that Suzanne can hear directly from them.
- Paulette recommends that people keep track of their time so they have numbers/data to give to admin
- E4s & E5s Update: Due Date & Total on E4
- Professional staff only one dynamic form for both faculty and prof staff; prof staff cannot type into first box; let us know if
- Both forms will be due at the end of the semester; not two extra weeks of work, just an extension on when the form is due
- Reassigned Time Review
- Suzanne wants to look at reassign time; some is by the contract, some is by the college; some members have same amount of time but different workloads; some might need more/less
- A clinical site is requiring boosters for students, faculty, and staff; right now only dental hygiene, but expect others to be asking soon. Suzanne not expecting any problems since we already have a vaccine mandate.
- Distance Ed Stipend Grievance over payment for modalities
- Probably best as a statewide grievance
- Autumn: under distance education contract, payment should be per modality according to statewide; could be paid three times for one course
- Bristol claims only one payment per course; does not have enough money to pay (maybe $100,000?); different colleges have adopted different policies; likely go to arbitration
- MOA on course availability
- Colleen: faculty asked for availability several semesters in advance; too hard for faculty to know their availability
- There is no written agreement on having them done so early
- Suzanne asks that we come up with a timeline; if anyone interested working on that, reach out to Colleen
- PPE for in person faculty/staff
- It will be available for everyone; masks and gloves in all high traffic areas; also available through deans and campus police
- Deans will have rapid tests and faculty should get tests through them; voluntary screening weekly
- College working on getting N-95 masks
- Working with statewide to ensure that accommodations are given with consistency
- What is the process for moving classes to flex-start?
- Suzanne says that faculty should always be notified when their course is changed to flex-start
- Are there impending layoffs?
- Administration reports that no layoffs have been discussed as of now; no discussions about retirements either; will let members know if that changes
- Notification of loss of seniority
- Asked if there was a way to notify faculty if they fall off the list; administration said they will work on that
- Will Duffy reports that last year gov’t changed rule on remote learning (Title IV)
- Must be regular and substantive interaction between faculty and students; update the course checklist to include language about interactions; must reach out by announcement and/or email, but no specific way mandated
- Impact bargaining update – if you have thoughts/concerns, come to us!
- General Studies degree; college wants to only allowed students in this for one year, then move them to other areas
- Grievance update
- We filed the Day and DCE grievance so pay for each distance ed modality separately
- If you have concerns, please let exec board know
- DCE contract update
- Colleen: ballots will be mailed to members; must be a current member of MCCC to vote
- Catherine: State committee will be meeting this spring; if you have any issues you want brought forward, email Catherine Adamowitz
- Member: how will adjuncts receive increase in payment if they are not teaching this semester? Catherine: all will receive a check
- Prof staff updates
- Susan Mort: sent administration a letter with data and statistics about how students prefer remote meetings with staff; Amy Marden and Susan calling for prof staff to get together to discuss telework—reach out to Amy or Susan about creating a subcommittee. SSEM moral is very low.
- Spring Semester concerns from members
- Adrienne Foster announced open forum for chief HR officer on Jan 28th 2-3 pm; encouraged members to attend.
- Colleen: Suzanne announced new policy: interim NUPS can be appointed to permanent positions; statewide disagrees; more info coming;
- Also asked admin at MACER about numbers of missing staff; loss of staff in areas might impact members